The Hawkman: A Fairy Tale of the Great War, a genre-bending literary novel based on a Brothers Grimm and World War 1 history is now available.
Buy your copy now on Amazon (print or Kindle) or through other sellers, including direct from Amberjack.
Jane Rosenberg LaForge, the author, has embarked on a reading and book-signing tour in the United States. Thanks to all who attended the readings in Los Angeles, Sausalito, Washington and the book party at BookCulture 112th Street on Manhattan's Upper West side.
On Saturday, August 4, at 3 pm, Jane heads to the Boston area, where The Hawkman will be among the featured readings at Timothy Gager's Dire Literary Reading Series in Somerville, Mass. These readings are now in their 17th year. This one will be Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Avenue. More information here.
On September 19, we'll be a part of the Why There Are Words series in Austin, Texas. Those readings are usually held at 7 pm at Malvern Books, 613 W. 29th St., Austin. Check out the website here.
On October 22 at 6:30 p.m., we'll have a reading and signing for "The Hawkman" at the Roland Park branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library of Baltimore. The branch is located at 5108 Roland Avenue, Baltimore, 21210. The book also is available for loan through the Pratt Library system. More information on the local branch is available on the website.
We hope you can join us somewhere, and if you've got a place for "The Hawkman" to appear in your town, let us know. See you...somewhere.